Patna, (Bihar Times) Annual Plan size for Bihar for the year 2009-10 was approved today at a meeting between the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Chief Minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar. The Plan outlay was agreed at Rs.16000 crores this includes additional Central assistance of Rs.110 crores for projects of special importance to the State.

The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia complimented the State Government for the policy initiatives aimed at accelerating infrastructure development. He said States with low per capita income should maintain higher public investments in infrastructure as it would catalyze private investments. To encourage public private partnerships in road and tourism sector were appreciated. State initiative of having agriculture plan for each district was also appreciated.
Attention was drawn to the need for better plan realization and provision of land for power sector infrastructure. The State was advised to involve financial institutions in skill development. In the absence of adequate industrial response, financial institutions can be involved in mobilizing industry and NGOs’ in generating skilled activities in the State. The State government was advised to avail benefits available under JNNURM for up-gradation of civic amenities in Patna and major cities.
Ahluwalia said that the Commission intends having in-depth review of Eleventh Plan initiatives shortly during the mid-term review and asked State Government to submit proposal regarding any flexibility needed to expedite implementation. He said social sector initiatives should be integrated to ensure productivity.
Briefing the Commission on plan performance of the State, Nitish Kumar said that during next year thrust will be on social sector, physical infrastructure and agriculture & allied areas. In education strategy will be to move from expansion to consolidation. 391 basic schools will be strengthened and teachers training will get emphasis. In health sector priority will be given to consolidation of facilities and improvement in delivery of health services. Empowerment of women and other disadvantaged groups will get focused attention. Special emphasis will be on development of Maha-Dalits consisting of most deprived 20 castes out of scheduled castes