
Patna, (Bihar Times): BSF commandant, Om Shankar Jha, a native of Dwalakh village of Madhubani district has been awarded Police Medal for Meritorious Service on Republic Day 2009 by President of India. He started his field career in 1988 in highly disturbed areas of Tripura and later on in Punjab on “anti-militancy duties till 19991 and apprehended many militants. While on Border duty in the year 19991-92 on Indo-Pak Border in Rajasthan, he participated in a fierce encounter and killed a dreaded militant, who had attempted to cross to India from Pakistan and seized huge quantity of arms/ammunitions, for which he was awarded Commendation.
I am a regular reader of Bihar Times. I am a Bihari, living in New Zealand. Today, I was thrilled by this news that 'Bihari Officer awarded police medal for meritorious service'. This BSFofficer is Om Shankar Jha of Dwalakh village in Madubani district. He is my childhood friend. We were the students of ML Academy Laheriasarai, Darbhanga during 1977-1981, my high school years, living in the same hostel and sharing the same classroom. After leaving the school, we never got to be in contact with each other again.
Could you please do me a favour by giving me his e-mail address, or any other cotact details, if you have it. I want to personally congratulate him on his achievements.
Manoj Chaudhary
New Zealand