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Patna University teachers go on mass casual leave


(BiharTimes):Teachers of Patna University on Friday went on one day mass casual leave to protest against the recent humiliating order of the state government, which demands their daily attendance along with signatures.

Seeking the immediate withdrawal of the order the general secretary of the Patna University Teachers’ Association, Randhir Kumar Singh, said that the human resources development department (HRD) order asking teachers to sign their attendance sheet everyday is against the dignity of the teaching community. They have already been signing their attendance register and the department has been sending absentee list to the university daily. Hence there is hardly any need of putting in additional signature on the attendance sheet by the teachers, he added.

Teachers alleged that the diktat of the state government pertains to the dignity and freedom of teachers as many of them chose this profession in preference to more lucrative jobs. For example, Prof Vinay Kanth, of the department of Mathematics, was an Indian Revenue Service officer.

They said that there is no such practice in any of the premier institutions of the country, including IITs and IIMs. After all teachers register their presence through many documents such as class registers. They are not factory workers. Unless they are given flexibility and freedom of work they can never do justice to their position, they said.






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