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Bihar’s annual plan size of Rs 24,000 crores approved


Patna,(BiharTimes): Annual Plan size for Bihar for the year 2011-12 was approved on Tuesday at a meeting between the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Bihar Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar. The Plan outlay was agreed at Rs 24,000 crores.

In his comments on the Plan performance of the State Deputy Chairman Planning Commission pointed out that sectors like power need focused attention and efforts should be made to reduce losses. Performance in the agriculture sector was good and efforts to popularize public/private partnership are encouraging.

The State government was appreciated for the pioneering work in introduction of biometrics in the system to reduce pilferage and improve transparency. It was pointed out that Planning Commission would welcome if State could play a model role in the introduction of ADHAR scheme in the implementation of social sector programmes.

He said Bihar has rich endowment of cultural legacy and historical significance. Entire landscape is blotted with places of tourist interest. The State government should evolve a policy that aims at optimum tapping of tourism potential. To expand S&T activities in the State a detailed Action Plan should be formulated by involving experts from within and outside State.

Attention was drawn to the achievement with regard to monitorable targets for 11th Five Year Plan particularly in the selected backward districts. The State need to improve pace and meet targets set. Attention was also drawn to the poverty level which was much higher than the national average both in rural and urban areas. Even literacy level was low as compared to all India level. Special attention was drawn to the female literacy rate which is far below than national average.

Briefing the Commission on the performance of the State, Nitish said that the focus would continue on infrastructure development and social sector. He said nearly 35 per cent outlay would go to social services while 24 per cent would be earmarked for improving transport in the State. He said efforts are on to improve investment climate and accelerate pace of infrastructure development by encouraging public-private partnership in both physical and social infrastructure development.

He said that the initiatives taken by the State Government has shown results and Central Government should help it in bringing the State at par with other better developed States. He said some of social sector programmes need review of guidelines to make them implementable and requested Planning Commission to do the needful.





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