Patna,(BiharTimes): Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar reiterated that his government had prepared agriculture development plan to give a boost to farm productivity.
Launching the pilot project of Bihar Shatabdi Niji Nalkoop Yojana (BSNNY) in Sarairanjan block of Samastipur district he said there was huge demand from among farmers for shallow tubewells and pump sets. The government had decided to provide assistance for 12,000 shallow tubewells during the current financial year. This scheme is also under implementation in Nalanda district.

Farmers had the option to take assistance money both for shallow tubewells and pump sets.
Under the project, farmers are given Rs 12,000 for installing a private tubewell and Rs 10,000 for a pump set as one-time assistance to facilitate irrigation facilities.
He chose the occasion to once again inform that the government had formed a separate agriculture cabinet to take up plans and projects to achieve a substantially increased production of cereals and all other crops in the state.