Patna,(BiharTimes): Chief minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday said that people who had earlier migrated from Bihar and have carved out a place for themselves in the leather industry of Mumbai, are now returning to invest in the Fatuha-based leather hub.

Inaugurating a leather hub developed by the Aparna Industrial Promotion Council at Fatuha Industrial Area he also said that over 600 entrepreneurs would invest in the leather hub, with hundreds of new factories coming up. Over 10,000 people would get employment.
The chief minister also said that the leather produced in Bihar was of a superior quality. Besides, there is no dearth of skilled workers. However, leather industry had been prospering in Mumbai. But now, leather units will be set up in Bihar and skilled workers would get an opportunity to work in their home state.
He also announced that a business meet would be held within a month where industrialists would be heard and their problems solved.
Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi also spoke on the occasion.
However, those engaged in the leather business in Bihar are keeping their fingers crossed. After all Fatuha had more than three decades ago proved a graveyard of industries. Not only that, just a couple of years back a tractor industry withdrew its proposed plan to come up with a factory months after it was inaugurated with much fanfare.
Besides, leather industry has lost much of its sheen as the market is now flooded with shoes, bags, belts, suitcases etc. Even the industries in Kolkata and Kanpur have been affected.