Patna,(BiharTimes): Several dailies of Bihar, especially of Hindi, carried two identical advertisments on the same day on March 8, that is, on the eve of Holi. Newspapers were closed for two subsequent days on account of Holi in Bihar. |

The advertisements are on Right to Service Act with a big photo of the chief minister Nitish Kumar and a small one of the deputy chief minister, Sushil Kumar Modi. What bemused an average reader is not just the advertisement, but the way it was given almost at the end of the financial year.

It remained a mystery as to what prompted the state government to give two identical advertisements––one a full page and another a quarter page––on the same day. Incidentally, March 8 was the International Women’s Day but the ads were not on the empowerment of the women.
Two identical adverstiments on the same day to the same newspapers confirmed Press Council of India Chairman, Justice Markandey Katju’s stand that print media in Bihar is being pampered for obvious reasons. After all it was the sheer wastage of tax-payers money, commented a political observer.