Bihar entrepreneur brings International Monastery from USA to India |
Patna,(BiharTimes): Siddhant Vats, a young leading entrepreneur who is a big role model for many young minds across the world brings the Buddhist WAT LAO INTERNATIONAL MONASTERY from USA to BIHAR. Siddhant is the Co-Founder & CMO of Androidly Systems and has been credited to make the World’s First Android Smartwatch along with Apurva Sukant. They made the World’s First Android Watch even before the Big Techno Giants like Samsung or Sony could do it. ![]() After Androidly, Siddhant Vats has done one more tremendous job for India by bringing the WAT LAO International Monastery to Bodh Gaya through his social initiative FALAK FOUNDATION of which he is the President.
The making of Wat Lao International Monastery has brought Foreign Investment to India and will also contribute towards the growth of Tourism to India from all over the world since Buddhist followers are found all over the world. This will increase the Foreign Exchange earnings in India and contribute towards the economic growth. The Monastery has been built through Foreign Investment.
The Wat Lao Monastery has been completed and was inaugurated on 1st December 2013 at Bodh Gaya. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Vivek Singh Secretary (Agriculture), Govt of Bihar.
The Head of Wat Lao is Achaan Phramaha and the Priest is Ven Onta Bhante.
Siddhant Vats informed that more than 500 delegates from Australia, USA, Canada, France, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia attended the Inauguration Ceremony.
The birth of this idea to build a monastery took place in Washington DC USA. Siddhant informed that while he was studying at California, USA he visited Washington DC and met the monk Dr. Chandaphone and visited their Monastery located in Virginia. Siddhant stated that the Monastery in Virginia was spread in multiple acres and was very huge and massive. He then motivated and persuaded the Monks that it will be very appropriate to build a Monastery in Bihar where Lord Buddha gained enlightenment. This paved the way and the final result is that the Monastery has been completed in Bodh Gaya.
Siddhant Vats informed that the inauguration took place amidst traditional Buddhist chantings and rituals. A team of artists showcased the Culture of Bihar through the Folk Dances and Folk Songs before the invited guests from all over the world who are more than 500 in number from 9 Countries - Australia, USA, Canada, France, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia.
This initiative will help in increasing the Foreign Exchange earnings of India and hence improve the Economy of Bihar.