

Contract teachers are giving sub-contract in  Bihar: Dr Mangla Rai

Patna,(BiharTimes): Dr Mangla Rai, the advisor in agriculture to the Bihar chief minister said on Friday that contract teachers are giving sub-contract, which is having devastating impact at primary and secondary level of education in Bihar. 

Addressing the 13th Foudnation day celebration of ICAR complex for eastern region in Patna he said the slide in education started with job oriented courses which used education as a tool for getting job at the cost of value based education.

The former DG of ICAR blamed the faulty process of selection of VCs for the collapse of higher education in Bihar. Once appointed they want to stick to their posts and for this they adopt all means and methods. 

He said some one had to speak the bitter truth to right the wrongs as any further delay would be fatal. 
He regretted that there was no research in education per se. Over the years no new subjects like nano technology has been introduced in the universities due to lack of expert.

Dr Rai said training, skill development and excellence attainment should be the aim of education.

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