History of journalism in Bihar can be written in golden letters, as the language media in the
state played a stellar role. Known more for their courageous writings, journalists of the state
played a leading role during the freedom struggle of India. It would not be out of place to
mention the contribution of Bihar after independence in terms of its courageous and
responsible journalism.
Bihar has been serving as leading light for years for the whole country. Despite the lowest per
capita income and illiteracy in citizens, Bihar has been recording largest sale of Hindi
newspapers and magazines for the last sixty years. Media organisations get most important
feedbacks from Bihar. The reason behind this is the high journalistic quality and its readers
having elegant taste and temperament about the value system traditionally prevalent in
journalism of the state. Journalists working in the State contributed a lot to reach up to this
The people of the state are also known for their penchant for knowledge. The tradition is still
in existence and can be seen everywhere in the State. This tradition gave rise to many social
and political movements like freedom movement prior to our independence and several
others after that. A host of committed journalists came out from socialist, communist, naxal of
JP movements and played important roles as journalists not only in the state but also in
several parts of the country. They served as foundation for exemplary journalism in the
country. They never indulged in give-and-take type of journalism rather courageously reported
the issues that were vital for the society and the country. There is no incident that can be
counted as an example of ‘the journalist being purchased by an award of any other material
offers like land or housing’. On the other hand, when in the 1980s, the Jagannath Mishra
government tried to gag the press, or during the emergency imposed during
Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the journalists in Bihar fought tooth and nail to preserve
the freedom of the press. It goes without saying that journalists from Bihar are serving as
pillars of several media institutions of the country, because of their clear understanding, the
manner of writing, integrity, commitment, loyalty and perseverance.
However, a dangerous trend being witnessed in Bihar is that the right to write the truth has
been lost in the State. This is not only a violation of the rights that are guaranteed under the
Constitution of India, but also poses a threat to free and fare journalism, resulting in an
unsavoury situation in the state. Due to government pressure over the media, the news
relating to even small agitations are being blacked out in the state like Bihar, which otherwise
is known for raising matters of public concern. News relating to agitations, public concern do
not find place in the newspapers, for they dare to raise uncomfortable questions for the
government because they point fingers on the weaknesses and faults of the governance.