

BJP opposes proposed move to amend Bodh Gaya Temple Act

Patna,(BiharTimes): The Bharatiya Janata Party is opposing the proposed move of the Bihar government to amend the Bodh Gaya Temple Act 1949.

The Act pertains to the composition of the Bodh Gaya Temple Management Committee. As per the provision of the Act the district magistrate of Gaya is the ex-officio chairman of the Committee, provided he or she is a Hindu. If it not so then the state government will nominate a person who is a Hindu.

The state government is reportedly contemplating a move to amend the Act given the fact that India is a secular country and DM’s position should not be associated with any caste, creed or community. The Bodh Gaya Temple (Amendment) Bill 2013 is likely to be tabled in the current session of the state legislature. Talking to the media on Monday the former deputy chief minister, Sushil Kumar Modi, said that there was no need to amend the Act which had the blessing of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Rajendra Prasad. But if at all the government was adamant on amending it than it should make the providison that only a Hindu or Buddhist can be the ex-officio chairman of the Committee.

The eight member Temple Management Committee has four Hindu and four Buddhist members so as a corollary the body should have either a Hindu or Buddhist as ex-officio chairman, he added.

Fearing that the government might change the composition of other such organizations like the Hindu Nyas Board he said that the step would not be proper. Would a non-Hindu be appropriate as the chairman of the Hindu Nyas Board, Modi asked.

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