

Bihar, Jharkhand on top in number of days govt schools remain open


Patna,(BiharTimes): With 253 days a year Bihar and Jharkhand are on the top so far the number of days the government schools remain open in the country. Manipur is at the bottom with just 160 days.
Incidentally, most of the private schools in the country remain open for around 180 days, yet their performance are better than most government schools of different states.

According to a study by NCERT only half the states have adopted the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), which has resulted in variations in number of working days, time allotted for teaching subjects like Mathematics and Science and evaluation of learning levels.

Similarly, the number of periods for teaching different subjects ranges from 19 in Madhya Pradesh to 54 in Arunachal Pradesh and Haryana. There are also variations in teaching subjects like Mathematics.

The report said that at a primary school level, students were taught Mathematics at a maximum of 12 periods in a week in Andhra Pradesh, while only five classes were taken in Kerala, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland. At the secondary level, Odisha students had only four classes of Mathematics, while Arunachal and Uttarakhand had a maximum of nine classes.

The study also found that curriculum and textbooks developed by NCERT in light of the NCF was followed only in 15 states and UTs, whereas 14 states and UTs had adapted the NCERT curriculum, syllabus and textbooks.

The report said, “There are lots of variations in implementation of the NCF-2005 in terms of structure, working hours, recess periods, teaching of different subjects, evaluation pattern at primary, upper primary and secondary stages in different states and UTs.”

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