New Delhi, Oct 29 (IANS) Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde Tuesday said the central government had alerted Bihar about a possible terror attack during BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's rally in Patna.
Shinde said the home secretary, joint secretary and the director general of National Investigation Agency (NIA) are in Patna to look into the matter.
"We always inform the states whenever we have general or specific information regarding possibility of blasts and we had sent alert to Bihar," Shinde told reporters.
"We have given inputs about possible attacks during various rallies across the country, asking state police to stay alert," he said.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who will be meeting him Wednesday, had denied any inputs by the central government on possible attacks during the rally.
Six people were killed and 83 were injured in seven bomb blasts in Patna. The first of the blasts ripped through a toilet around 10 a.m. at the railway station in the heart of the city, killing one person and wounding another.
After an hour, by which time Modi reached Patna but not the rally venue at Gandhi Maidan, four explosions took place inside the ground and two around it that caused a lot of panic.