Ranchi, Sep 30 (IANS) Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad's eldest son Tejasavi Yadav said Monday that the conviction of his father in a fodder scam case by a Special CBI court here would be challenged in the high court.
Tejaswi Yadav added that the matter would also be taken to the court of the people, in the elections.
After Lalu Prasad was held guilty in the fodder scam case by the special court of the Central Bureau of Investigation Monday, he was taken to the Birsa Munda Central Jail in Ranchi. His son said an appeal for bail would be made.
"We will appeal in the high court against the order. We will also take up the issue in the people's court. We will give a fitting reply in the polls," Tejsavi told reporters after his father was taken to jail.
RJD chief Lalu Prasad, former Bihar chief minister Jagganth Mishra and 43 others were convicted Monday in a fodder scam case by the Special CBI court here.