A K. How do you feel about your campaign till now ?
SS. Narendra Modi wave is sweeping all across my constituency and it has become a deadly combination with Bihari Babu himself in the fray. Situation is quite similar to JP movement and we are getting tremendous support from all sections of the society.
AK. People’s common grievance against you is that you are not very accessible to them and not residing in Patna.
SS Laughs – You, too, got carried away by the misinformation spread by my political opponents. Despite my heavy engagements, I am a regular visitor of my constituency, this could be verified. Instead my family complains of not staying long in Mumbai.
AK Why people of Patna Saheb should vote you again?
SS My commitment to the development of my constituency can’t be challenged. There is no allegation of corruption on me no FIR, transparent style of functioning. Despite being a star campaigner in the party tried my best to do as much as could do for my constituency.
AK Your works are not very visible in Patna.
SS. Who can deny my efforts in establishing AIIMS in Patna as a health minister in central government ?
AK. Having a strong political clout, why did you fail to change the face of Patna?
SS. Do agree with you that more should have been done as all urban development ministers were from my party. But most of the work under MPLAD were successfully completed or are on the way to completion.
AK. What would be your three major priorities if you win this election?
SS. 1. Clean Patna and Green Patna
2. Would try to become strong bridge between government and the people
3. Would work for the employment generation activities for youth and would like to add one more—to make Patna University a Central University.
AK. Being “Bihari babu” you have wide influence and network across the world , would you use them for the development of Patna and Bihar?
SS. Certainly these areas having immense potential are yet to be explored. See some of them came all the way to support and campaign for me. Hopefully, this time we can positively make use of their potential.
AK. Who is your main rival here?
SS: Kunal says it’s a battle between a prince and a pauper. He calls me a prince, although he himself is a great Bhojpuri film actor. Everybody has a right to express his views. Other candidates like Gopal Prasad and Parween Amanullah are good people.