Patna origin scientist to get prestigious aerospace innovation award |
Patna,(BiharTimes): The technology developed by Mirza Faizan, an aerospace scientist originally from Patna in Bihar, but currently working in Texas in the United States, has been selected for one of the most prestigious aerospace innovation awards in the world. He has developed the technology to prevent and detect runway incursion, the aviation industry’s worst scare. It has been shortlisted for the prestigious IHS Janes ATC Award 2014 in Runway Safety and Efficiency category, at World Air Traffic Management Congress to be held at Madrid, Spain, on March 3. The Ground Reality Information Processing System (GRIPS) innovated by him was assessed by a panel of experienced judges from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), Federal Aviation Administration, Government of USA (FAA), Eurocontrol, Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and IHS Janes. Faizan hails from Samanpura locality of Patna, where his mother still lives. He did his 10th from St Karen’s High School, Patna, and ISc from St Xavier’s College, Ranchi. He completed his graduation from Patna University and later did Master in Computer Science and course in embedded system design from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Along with brother Rizwan he has floated ‘Avembsys’, an avionics research and development company, to develop their innovative technology called GRIPS. His father late Mirza Mohammed Fahim retired as under secretary, Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Patna.