Tributes to a distinguished scientist and an outstanding nuclear engineer
New Year Resolution to end Corruption
Nitish, Arvind and Mamta
Be compassionate to animals this Diwali
My angst for Nitish Kumar
Rs.0 spent by 55 percent Lok Sabha MPs on constituencies
Earthquakes and their impact: Building codes must be strictly followed
'Rahul's resurgence signals willingness to take on mantle'
Who's afraid of Rahul Gandhi?
Indian farmers face harder life ahead: Studies
Muslim women must press for their rights

Is Supreme Court losing its moral authority? Lawyers wonder
Who will protect the honest bureaucrat?
In Bihar, Parties Woo to Win Suitable Match

Election 2014 and my Constituencies
Lack of 40 winks: An epidemic that can prove fatal
Unemployment Problem Getting Worse
Heart attacks more common in winter
Muslim women must press for their rights
Bhushan expresses differences with Kejriwal
Modi accepts Finance Commission's record hike in states' share
Heat over land bill as opposition, Kejriwal slam 'anti-farmer' bill
Is Congress in a free fall?
Kejriwal's soft exterior hides a man of steel
BJP's Delhi debacle a personal defeat for Modi?
Is BJP nervous about Delhi polls?
Padma awards are losing their sheen
A great year for BJP, nightmare for Congress
Reforms, inflation cheer but growth and deficits cause worry
Male groups seek review of marriage law bill
Janata Parivar: A group of opportunist provincials
Atal Bihari Vajpayee: A giant in Indian politics
Atal Bihari Vajpayee: A proud Hindu who exemplified Indian ethos
Can Modi really take on the Hindu hawks?
The play that inspired Bollywood, revived Indian drama
Peshawar school song: Where have all the flowers gone?
Distancing the Dalai Lama: Is Vatican playing into Beijing's hands?
Watershed conservation can reduce pollution in India: Study
For PM Modi, English switchover came naturally
Will saffron warriors trip up Modi?
'New education policy should address modern challenges for students'
When Modi quaffed a drink to India-Fiji friendship
Modi's defence of Muslims - a little too late?
Why BJP lost? No anti Gandhi anger to harvest
Nehru to Modi: The riverfront diplomacy
Planning for 'The Future Commission'
Modi's 100 days: Has the 'acche din' hype boomeranged?
Now BJP regrets raking up 'Love Jihad'

Is mobile wallet a distant dream in India?
Congress in crisis: Leadership challenged
Lack of blood screening causing Hepatitis C
Armed forces' doctors: Bond for early quitting raised
Nitish First to Face Modi Heat?
Will there be a surprise end to Modi’s tale?
Will Nehru-Gandhi dynasty reboot or fade out?
Modi: Worrying signs of a one-man show
Modi wave or media hype ? Media must not lose credibility
Will Modi be tripped by Hindu extremists?

Outwitted by Congress, Nitish Now Plays Martyr

George Fernandes’ fate awaits Sharad Yadav?
Is Supreme Court losing its moral authority? Lawyers wonder
Structural reforms can unleash India's true potential
Congress needs a charismatic figure - and a Big Idea

Lalu trying to re-invent himself through Parivartan Rally
Objectives of Students’ Unions/ Movements
Global Summit pix...
In Bihar how a BJP leader assaults a senior journalist and simply gets away with it ! |
Iyengar: a doyen among scientists
Abla Jeevan Hai Teree Yahee kahanee…

BT special
Bihar Needs Eastern Economic Corridor
AMU , plays into nitish's hands
Master of the game
Changing Face of Agriculture in Bihar
Corruption in the Era of Corporate Governance
The Spectacle of Anna Unlimited

Bihar Times has decided to post real case study of
hardships and challenges faced by entrepreneurs and common
citizens of Bihar. You may send your story to
Anna act will put politicians under public scrutiny
Pakistani cinema finally taking shape: Actress Humaima Malick
Jan Lokpal Bill versus Govt. Lokpal Bill
Chewing tobacco joins 'banned foods' as oral cancer cases rise
Lokpal- An issue of Morality
Mass Movement for Corruption in India
How the world sees Historian Sharma
Awake, Arise or be Forever Fallen
Rural Bihar witnesses highest inflation rate in India .
Have heard of Chief Secretary rectifying his mistakes after submitting report to CM?
Pleasing the piper
Rising Crime in Bihar : Petty Criminals and Lower Police are Perhaps the Real Problem
Thanks to Bihar govt, Urdu dailies circulation rising only on paper
When Ganga meets Hoogly
Educational Concerns of the Muzaffarpur Muslims
Educational Initiatives of the Jamshedpur Muslims
Forbesganj Killings and Anti Pasmanda Rhetorics
Baba’s Lila and Delhi Police
Muslim Pride at all Costs Crime, Politics, Religion in a North Bihar Village
Don't Ignore the 'Obviouses' in Planning Process
Rs 28.47 crore spent on Govt. advt in Bihar last year
