| Patna,
(Bihar Times): Doctors of Bihar have strongly resented Union health minister,
Anbumani Ramadosss remarks that a doctor from Bihar was the sole cause for
the de-recognition of MBBS degree by United Kingdom. He
made these remarks while addressing American Association of Physicians of Indian
origin meet in New Delhi on Friday. A sizeable number of people burnt his effigies
on Monday demanding his removal. According to the president
of the Indian Medical Association, Dr Ajay Kumar, who incidentally comes from
Bihar a single doctor cannot be the sole cause for the de-recognition. The honourable
minister should either produce documents to support his claims or apologise to
all the doctors and the Bihari community. The doctors
from Bihar are not only extremely upset but are of the view that the Union minister
is making irresponsible comments. First, he wanted to divide the medical community
using caste as a weapon and now, he is instigating regionalism among the doctors,
Dr Kumar Harsh, president of the Resident Doctors Association, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences said.
I am a doctor from Bihar and doctors here are respected not on the basis of where they come from but solely on the basis of their merit.Any act of professional incompetence is dealt on an individual basis and they are not generalized in this country. And regarding bringing shame to this country,its not a doctor from Bihar but rather Mr Romdoss himself who created a fuss in AIIMS recently and now trying to divide the medical profession. Indians here are definitely more ashamed here of Mr Romdoss rather than a Bihari doctor.
Vinod Ojha
I never imagined a indian central minister will be so against againt indian, but every thing is possible in this congress government. I just wonder how much Mr Ramdos has knowledge of medical profession & gmc. He is a guy who wants to be in news by deliberetly doing or saying wrong.
If central govt have any shame or responsibility they should remove this Ramdos.
why laloo & Ram Vilas is keeping mum on his remark, they always proclaim savoir of bihar pride.
If governmaent want dotcors to perform their duties well, they should also make sure their minister perform their duties well.
We don't want a minister like Ramdoss to ruin the bankbone of indian society by his utter idiotic behabiour & nounsense speeches.
He is useless, REMOVE him, & if compulsion make him a minister of idiots, where his ideas will be more welcomed, as he one of them.
Let the education & heath minister be some one who is knowledgeble, who does't do thing for limelight but for future of country, & most important doesnt divide the country on basis of caste, religion, region.
We had enough of this & this Ramdoss, he is giving INDIA a very bad name.
I am very much dismayed to read this news. Mr Ramdoss is dividing the medical profession of the nation.He is unfit to remain as an union Health Minister of India. He has no knowledge about the General Medical Council Of U.K. rules and previous history of Deregulation of M.B.B.S degree of all countries in world with PLAB examination.
I fully support the views of Dr Ajay Kumar, President Indian Medical Association and Dr Kumar Harsh , President, Resident Doctors Association, All India Institute Of Medical Sciences.
Bihar has produced excellent Medical Graduates -serving all over the world with their highest calibre and professionalism
for many decades.
The whole Medical Profession and Chief Minister, Health Minister of Bihar with Union Railway Minister Mr Lalu Yadav should strongly condemn this Irresponsible and totally False statement.
We are proud to be Bihari as well as Indian.
Dr Krishna Ballabh Singh
Secretary , British International Doctors Association
Scottish Division , Glasgow. |
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