Patna, (Bihar Times): The Bihar State Cooperative Milk
Producers’ Federation (Comfed) is now going to provide
accidental insurance benefits to its employees. In
collaboration with UTI, the Comfed had earlier
introduced a micro-pension scheme as well.

Speaking on the occasion of Silver Jubilee of Comfed
chief minister Nitish Kumar said that the UTI would be
providing Rs one lakh accidental insurance scheme to
its employees. The scheme is in the final stage of
implementation, he told the gathering amidst applause.
He said that the pension scheme will bring family
together and the government was holding talks with the
UTI for bringing similar scheme for contractual
teachers posted in villages and towns.
The chief minister also distributed biometric smart
cards introduced by Axis Bank to the women members of
the cooperative.
Encouraging the employees the chief minister said that
while Comfed had made a huge progress in the last 25
years on the national level it had to cover more
Deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi said that many
countries of the world managed to wipe out poverty by
prmotiong agriculture, dairy and poultry farming. He
dubbed Sudha, the brand name of Comfed, as the pride
of the state.
It needs to be mentioned that Sudha produces 6.1 lakh
kilo of milk daily and there are in all 6500 milk
societies spread in 28 districts of the state. In all
3.20 lakh families are involved in the milk societies
all over the state. Comfed milk and milk products are
supplied to 84 cities of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal
and Uttar Pradesh. There are in all 6,319 Sudha Dairy
outlets in these four states.