Patna, (Bihar Times): The chief minister, Nitish Kumar,
on Tuesday urged the top officials of the leading
international banks to provide financial aid worth
over Rs 3,000 crore for construction of an
earthquake-resistance and flood-proof panchyat bhawan
(building) in each of the 8,712 panchayats of the
state. Apart from this they have been asked to make
investments for improving infrastructure.

Top officials of the World Bank, UK-based Department
For International Development (DFID), Asian
Development Bank and Japan Bank of International
Cooperation, who were present on the occasion,
responded positively.
The chief minister said that these
earthquake-resistance and flood-proof community
buildings in panchayats would also provide shelter to
the marooned people at the time of floods. In return
the bank officials showed keen interest in developing
infrastructure of the state. The officials of the
Japan Bank of International Cooperation agreed to
prepare projects for expansion and strengthening of
roads in Buddhist circuit areas around the state
The country director (India) of World Bank, Ishadil
Guerrero, reputed economist Dipak Dasgupta, the
country director of ADB, Tadash Konado, Sushanna
Moorehead, head of DFID, were, among others, who
attended the meeting.