Patna, (Bihar Times): The retired Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court S N Jha has been made the first chairman of the Bihar State Human Rights Commission. Retired judge of the Patna High Court Rajendra Prasad and the former director general of police R R Prasad would be its two members. Their tenure will be of five years and the chairman will have the status of cabinet minister and the members will enjoy the status of ministers of state respectively.
A notification regarding constitution of the commission and appointment of its members was issued on Monday night.

I am overwhelmed to hear this great news. The process of strenthening and building a "New Bihar" has now taking shape. I congratulate Shri Nitish Kumar for the step taken in order to make State Human Rights Commission more powerful. They will certainly keep "Eagle Eye" on any human rights violation at all levels.
My heartfelt congratulations to the Chief Minister for taking right step in right direction.
Mohammad Yasar Imran
Muscat, Oman