In many countries what people do is call a number and there is larger deduction for calling that number like Rs 100 or Rs 200 per call. This is just a way to pay to relief fund in a simplest manner
We can also simplify that by putting an SMS number where any SMS to that number will be like Rs 50. Most Service Providers like Airtel or Tata Indicom can set this up quickly. Just for your info - most of the SMS used for all promotional purposes are Rs.5/-.
Let's be innovative in fund collection.
I was looking at the RTI report prepared by Chanchal Kumar on Bihar Govt. Website Can we have a similar number like 155311 for people to use. And you deduct Rs 100 per call? And BSNL can credit this money to Chief Minister Relief Fund. If we can not set this up quickly can we use RTI number 155311 for couple of months for this? I am putting the relevant text from the 'Project Report on Jaankaari'.
"In the present technical arrangement the RTI Facilitation Centre CodeDial 155311 (and also the RTI enquiry code dial 155310) has been routed to Patna Tandem Exchange. From Patna Tandem Exchange all Calls originatedthrough out Bihar, are routed to EWSD local exchange, Patna from where aPRI (Premium Rate Interface) line has been terminated in RTI FacilitationCentre EPABX, located at BISCOMAUN Tower.Charging of Calls are done as below :(i) RTI application filing dial number (RTN) 155311 – 10 pulses from One India Subscriber, 8 pulses (Rs.9.60) from Non-India OneSubscriber being charged immediately after the answer of Facilitationcentre agent. This initial charge is valid for 5 minutes duration afterwhich subscribers is charged @ 60 second pulse rate.ii) RTI helpline/enquiry dial number (RHN) 155310 – Normal Facilitation Charges.For all the RTI application filing Calls CDRs (Call Detail Records)for code dial 155311 are being generated at EWSD exchange Patna."
Can some one get me the contact details of Sunil Mittal and we should be able to work this out quickly?
