Strange are the ways of style of functioning of the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar since he assumed office over six years back. Kumar had announced many innovative ideas including much-hyped holding of Janata Darwar. Nitish himself and media throughout the country have surprisingly lauded the chief minister for holding darwar and mitigating the sufferings of people.Darwar of Nitish has failed to click in mitigating the sufferings of people, who have filed \applications before him in the last five years! Nitish's indifferences and bureaucratic cobweb are mainly responsible for this farcical exercise!
Apparently his was not a janata darwar but a feudal darwar like Britishers and landlords during pre-independence days. It was in feudal style in the darwar. Applicants’' grievances are usually not redressed even after meeting Nitish and explaining their grievances against officials and others. It appeared the innovative ideas of Nitish have flopped like house of cards. (A comprehensive story on Nitish Janata darwar has been carried in Bihar time recently)
These facts have become evident from a reply under Right to Information Act by the Public relation Officer of the Chief Minister secretariat to RTI activist Shiv Prakash Rai of Buxar. He has informed Rai that only 16000 of the 1.68 lakh complaints received by Nitish kumar in the Janata Darwar have been disposed off.These figures were of two and half years since the darwar programme was introduced by him in April 2006.
Strangely and sadly Nitish Kumar, who held monthly \weekly janata darwar had personally received complaints petitions of 2, 40, and 731 from April 20, 2006 till May 23, 2011.
Moreover there is no trace of complaint \applications, totaling 72,191 submitted till December 31, 2008.Applications or complaints started declining subsequently. Rai was informed that 29,672 turned up with written applications\complaints in 2006, only14, 646 applications were submitted the next year. However the number increased to 27,873 in 2008 and 45,786 in 2009.In 2010, even being election years the applications\complaints rose to 67,897 in the darwar. In the last five months of current year, 54,857 applications were submitted to the chief minister in the darwar. Large number of complaints \applications came from aggrieved people from police and revenue departments.
These are the net result of Nitish's farcical janata darwar, based on authentic facts.